Greek statistician a cut above average

Sir, – John FitzGerald's article on Andreas Georgiou of the Greek central statistics office should be distributed all over Europe to tell us of the real background to the Greek collapse ("Public servant emerges as unlikely Greek hero", Business Opinion, June 22nd).

The Greek collapse happened for the same reason that the Irish collapse happened – reckless and unrealistic decisions by the people in charge of the most powerful institutions of the state.

In Greece one of the problems was that the statistics were, as described by John FitzGerald, “dishonest”.

Andreas Georgiou was recruited to reveal the true figures, which he did.


What is not so well known is that, as John FitzGerald tells us, “Georgiou and his colleagues have been sentenced to jail for telling the truth”.

I think it is incredible that those facts are not more widely known when the results of the Greek collapse are still making headlines. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.