Getting a clear picture of Brexit

Sir,– In your editorial "Brexit talks: an acrimonious divorce looms" (July 21st) you mourn "the death of British internationalism". This ignores one of the main objectives of many of those who voted Leave, namely the ability of the UK to negotiate trade deals with countries throughout the world which membership of the EU currently prohibits.

Indeed, yesterday in London talks were opening between the US and the UK to establish a free trade agreement – rather earlier than the back of the queue that former US president Barack Obama suggested would be the case.

The European Union is no nearer agreeing its TTIP trade deal with Washington than it was when it started negotiations years ago. And that desire for co-operation with the UK is likely to be reciprocated.

Foreign investors poured more money into the UK than any other European nation last year even after the Brexit vote.


Likewise, the continual suggestions by your serried ranks of anti-Brexit columnists that Britain is plunging headlong into an economic and financial abyss over its decision to leave the EU is equally erroneous.

The UK rate of inflation actually went down last week, unemployment is at its lowest rate in more than 40 years and far from the predicted mass exodus of City of London companies the Robert Walters City Job Index has reported that Square Mile jobs rose 17 per cent in June compared to the same month in 2016.

It is entirely appropriate that The Irish Times concerns itself with the potential impact Brexit will have on this country, but as a frequent visitor to the UK I don't encounter quite as much doom and gloom as you would suggest. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.