Gender-sensitive recovery plans

A chara, – Covid-19 is sexist. I believe that the pandemic has disproportionately implicated females. The current unprecedented recession has displayed gendered impacts, particularly in employment.

The tertiary sector of the economy typically consists of female employees. Therefore women have suffered significant job losses due to the long-term closures of hospitality and retail. It is deeply concerning that many female employees will not have a job to return to. The migration of retailers to online trading platforms has transferred jobs from female-dominated industries to largely male distribution workers. This inevitably leads to financial insecurity.

In addition, women are responsible for the primary care duties and domestic tasks due to the closure of schools and daycare centres.

Mothers are expected to juggle remote employment and home schooling concurrently. This suppresses their opportunity to advance in employment.


The pandemic has proven that remote work is only valuable to female workers on the condition that education and childcare infrastructure are available.

It is critical that the Government recognises the ramifications this pandemic poses to women and the perilous conditions suffered by female employees.

The Government is demonstrating institutional thoughtlessness and gender imbalance. Gender-sensitive recovery plans are required, focusing on job creation.

It is important to protect both lives and livelihoods. – Yours, etc,



New Ross,

Co Wexford.