Future of School Completion Programme

Sir, – The resignation of Prof Áine Hyland from the board of Tusla (Jack Horgan-Jones, June 26th) underlines Fórsa’s longstanding concerns regarding the ability of Tusla to fund and develop the national School Completion Programme (SCP).

The current consultation exercise being conducted by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs will determine the future of the SCP.

Prof Hyland’s commendable stance highlights the need to ensure that this valuable service is delivered through a public body that both understands the education system and values the SCP’s contribution to helping thousands of young people to finish their education.

The organisations best placed to deliver this vital public service include the Department of Education and Skills as well as the Education and Training Boards. We thank Prof Hyland for highlighting these issues. – Yours, etc,



National Secretary,

Head of Education,


Dublin 1.