Fully accessible toilet facilities

Sir, – Hilary Fannin wrote amusingly about being "stuck" in a lavatory and the best women's toilets in Dublin that have some luxuries ("Overcoming 'toilet distrust' when spending a penny", Life, June 14th).

For many adults and children, finding a toilet they can use is a luxury. My daughter needs a hoist to get from the wheelchair onto the toilet, others need a changing bench. Standard disabled toilets are not enough. What we need are fully equipped toilets with the right equipment: Changing Places toilet facilities.

In Ireland there are 11 registered Changing Places toilet facilities, eight of which are in Dublin. In comparison, the UK has over 1,300 Changing Places, and Northern Ireland has 27.

Tomorrow, the Community Participation (Disability) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2019 will be debated in the Seanad. Proposed by Senator John Dolan, the Bill aims to make the environment more inclusive for people with disabilities. It includes a requirement that publicly accessible buildings provide a “changing place” toilet facility.


This Bill should be supported by all parties and Independents.

The vision of Changing Places Ireland is an Ireland where “no adult or child will be excluded from participating in everyday life due to the lack of fully accessible toilet facilities”. It is a basic human right. – Yours, etc,


Changing Places Campaign,


Co Wicklow.