Fry, Dawkins and blasphemy

Sir, – I am deeply moved by the generous offer of that eminent biologist and self-publicist, Prof Dawkins, to accept martyrhood under Irish blasphemy laws in support of the monumental thespian and polymath, Stephen Fry. I understand that Mr Fry has recently delivered himself of conclusions as to the maniacal mental state of the deity that would normally require the insights of a trained clinical psychiatrist. Mr Fry might perhaps, if he has the linguistic ability, usefully reflect on the Irish proverb, “Aithníonn ciaróg ciaróg eile”.

I am, however, somewhat puzzled to see that Prof Dawkins writes from his Oxford college, New College (actually a very old one), to expound, at second-hand, what he considers to be the key elements in late bronze age doctrinal theology in order to give 21st century man an understanding of the nature of God. After all, the university of which he is a senior member has as its motto "Dominus Illuminatio Mea". – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

Sir, – As a practising member of the Church of Ireland I am baffled by the present concern with blasphemy. This is a matter that can surely be outsourced to God and be dealt with appropriately in accordance with the divine love and mercy (or, if needs be, wrath).

I hope my many Roman Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist friends will support me on this in the New Ireland of the 21st century.

I fear that my Christian patience is beginning to wear a little thin. May we deal with Prof Richard Dawkins as we once dealt with Capt Charles Cunningham Boycott and send him to Coventry? –



Dublin 2.