French election

Sir, – Assuming that the vacuous charisma of Emmanuel Macron doesn’t implode in the next fortnight, thus delivering a Le Pen victory, his term in office is bound to disappoint and disillusion. So the further disintegration of the European Union, as we know it, would merely be postponed by five years, when she would most likely succeed him as president. In the meantime, watch Hungary, Greece, Holland, Germany and, yes, Post-Brexit Ireland move inexorably in the same direction, like it or not. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.

Sir, – I am really fed up hearing people describe Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and the possible election of Marine Le Pen as alarming, horrifying and shocking.


Do the people who make such statements not realise that there are actually a large number of people who subscribe to withdrawal from the EU and the views of Mr Trump and Ms Le Pen?

I am one such person, and look forward to the day Ireland also withdraws from the EU, and our national identity is returned and restored. – Yours, etc,


Beaumont, Dublin 9.