Feargal Quinn and the North

Sir, – My brother Feargal Quinn has had many kind words printed about him since his death.

While some people did refer to his family values, his interest in genetics, and politics (via the Seanad), no mention has been made of his deep interest in the North of Ireland.

Our parents were both from the North and like too many families, our lives were also affected by the Troubles.

Feargal spoke in the Seanad about the North and for the necessity of dialogue and respect for each other.


He deeply admired John Hume and what he accomplished. I still remember his joy when the Belfast Agreement was signed.

In Feargal’s last article in a Sunday paper, he wrote, “Real leadership is about having the vision and wisdom to know where your people ought to go, and it’s about charting a course and taking them there”.

As Derry is again in the news for all the wrong reasons, it is time for our politicians to step forward and show real leadership. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 18 .