Discontent in FF at Martin’s leadership

A chara, – As a former Waterford Fianna Fáil constituency organiser and current president of the constituency executive, I have been contacted by Fianna Fáil councillors, members and supporters throughout the Waterford constituency, all expressing grave concerns about the joint framework document drawn up by Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil and the intention to enter into a coalition arrangement. Senior party members claim that due to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis it is not possible to hold an ardfheis to authorise the planned coalition. This is clearly ignoring the rules that were implemented following our disastrous election in 2011. With our electronic society and An Post, a poll can be easily arranged for us members to have our say on what will be the most important decision ever taken by our party.

We looked on in amazement when the “supply and confidence” arrangement was entered into without any consultation with the party members. We were assured by Micheál Martin that it was the right thing to do in the national interest. He told us that the Irish people would thank us for putting the country first! We ended up with 38 seats, another disaster for our party under his leadership. He adopted an aggressive tone towards Sinn Féin and this continued throughout the entire campaign, a tactic that handed seats to Sinn Féin. Since the election he has refused to talk to Sinn Féin, another bad decision.

Any arrangement with Fine Gael will bring further deterioration and the decline of Fianna Fáil. It is now time for the present leader of the party to reflect deeply on what he is proposing. He must not, in his quest to be taoiseach under any circumstances, neglect our party and its members to satisfy his own ambitions.

If he takes a hard look at his record, he should consider stepping down and making way for a new leader who can rebuild our party. – Is mise,



Uachtarán Comhairle


Phort Láirge (FF),

Trá Mhór,

Co Phort Láirge.