Disability access and footpaths

Sir, – Clare Cronin highlights the challenges facing those with limited mobility as they navigate obstacles on footpaths, such as illegally parked cars (Letters, September 13th).

Ironically, high kerbs, often designed by local councils to dissuade drivers from parking on the footpath, are also challenging and indeed hazardous for wheelchair users or their carers, who must make Herculean efforts to mount or dismount the footpath when trying to cross the road, or else are obliged to go some distance in search of a pedestrian crossing.

I would add that gravel or pebble paving, popular in some public areas, is virtually inaccessible to most wheelchair users.

Whilst local councils are making laudable efforts to make public areas more accessible, I would suggest that providing footpaths dished appropriately at regular intervals and ensuring that paving is accessible to all would greatly help to overcome these challenges.


– Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.