Cyclists and urban spaces

Sir, – I am a huge fan of the new dedicated cycling lanes and use them virtually on a daily basis in all conditions. I am in my late sixties and have an e-bike which means I can maintain a decent average pace of around 20 to 25 km/h.

Despite my enthusiasm, I regard the pseudo-racing cyclists as a complete menace. It is only a matter of time before there is a serious accident with slower cyclists and pedestrians. If these inconsiderate people want to race their bikes at ridiculous speeds and bully other users, then let them do it somewhere else.

The cycle lanes are not race-tracks suitable for this kind of aggressive fast cycling.

I hate to suggest any form of additional constraints as we have more than enough curtailments of our freedom but for the sake of safety and mannerly consideration of other users, it is critical that speed limits of an absolute maximum of 25km/h are introduced on cycle lanes.


Indeed there is ample justification to perhaps extend this to all roads in built-up areas and include powered scooters in similar restraints. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

A chara, – Does Alayna Joseph (Letters, November 23rd) really want to see lorries and trucks backed up on Strand Road in Dublin with a bad Brexit? Surely as a resident of Sandymount, she would agree that the M50 and Port Tunnel were designed to remove heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) from the city, improving our residents' air quality and safety? The management and enforcement of the HGV ban from our city streets within the canal cordon is vital.

Cargo bikes, e-cargo bikes and small electric vehicles, perhaps not rickshaws, are actually taking over “last mile” delivery in many modern cities, as a quicker, and sustainable alternative to large vans and trucks delivering in urban areas and neighbourhoods.

Many engineering results and positive changes have originated from “unorthodox and experimental” trials. The Coastal Mobility Route further down the coast is one such recent success, removing a lane of vehicular traffic.

Cycling and walking numbers have greatly increased since its creation, through-traffic has been slowed, a pleasant environment created, and the local businesses have benefitted.

This initiative should reduce “traffic chaos”, not cause it, and thus provide an encouraging environment for increased cycling and walking.

This is the future, not a city choked forever with congestion and pollution. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.