Cycling in the dark

A chara, – John Sullivan’s nostalgic look at the days when cycling rules were enforced by the Garda (December 20th) brings me back to the 1960s when two pals and myself cycled from Monkstown to Elvery’s in Suffolk Street, Dublin. Our mission was to buy jock straps to help protect our vital assets amid the rigours of schools’ rugby.

Delighted with our exotic apparel we returned home along the Merrion Road where we were held up by a garda outside what was then Imco. You see we were cycling three abreast (on a near traffic-less road). And we ended up nervously in the Children’s Court (turf fire and pleasant judge) before getting off with a caution, and returning to the rough and tumble of teenage-hood. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W.