Carers and support grant

Sir, – One Budget 2022 measure would have cost little or nothing to introduce.

The annual support grant of €1,850 to carers is paid with reference to a single calendar day. It is never paid pro rata if the cared-for person dies or goes to residential care in the greater part of the calendar year preceding.

Other Budget 2022 grant provisions offer pro rata payment date options. The carers support grant should now be released in two or maybe three pro rata payments – say options in January, June, October.

That grant is a significant fillip for carers and highly innovative State policy. It has evolved to give great discretion to its users, to use for respite, a holiday, etc.


Given the evolving escalation in new consumer energy costs ahead in 2022 it would be most useful (and surely best practice) to have that carer support grant made available earlier than the sole stipulated statutory reference date of the first Thursday in June.

Finally, do relevant Ministers hold any stats which show “savings” on not paying that annual carer support grant to carers pro rata. If so, we should see them. – Yours, etc,


