Brexit and the search for a deal

Sir, – Remarks made by Arlene Foster to the effect that the Belfast Agreement is potentially up for grabs show how little the DUP cares for the aspirations enshrined within it. This stance can only lead to further entrenchment of old divisions.

It is ironic that the DUP appears more interested in hitching its wagon to English nationalists who know little and care less about Northern Ireland and its people.

In ignoring the wishes of the majority of its electorate, the DUP risks not only damaging the economy but also of undoing the much of the good which has been achieved in the North since the Belfast Agreement was reached.

Membership of the EU offers an opportunity for all of the North’s citizens to buy into a common sense of purpose and an opportunity to prosper, one which will allow the traditional tribal sense of identity on both sides of the political and religious divides to ease over time.


In supporting Brexit and its attendant risk of a no-deal exit, the DUP is undermining the very thing which appears most important to it – its cherished place within the United Kingdom.

Whether hard or soft, Brexit is utterly half baked. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.

Sir, – Britain is leaving, so the EU “community” should bend to protect us as part of that community, and not demand that the UK does it for them. – Yours, etc,

