Bikers vs gardeners

Sir, – Peter Murtagh in his travel article "Chile to Alaska – a biker's odyssey" (Weekend Review, March 21st) appears to regard gardeners as a load of wimps compared to macho motorbike riders like himself. I was stunned to read that growing tomatoes was a sign of relentless decline into decrepitude and the insulting line that "you trot to your vegetable patch but not me".

I would have thought that as a journalist with 40 years of experience – similar to myself – he would have a more open mind and realise that growing vegetables involves a lot of hard and sometimes heavy work.

The experience of sowing tomato seeds and seeing them develop to harvest is most satisfying and provides produce that cannot be matched in the shops.

I have never had the desire to ride a motorbike but would not decry anyone who finds enjoyment in such an interest.


Perhaps when Peter returns from his mammoth journey, he could wind down by trying his hand at growing vegetables, which has many benefits, including health and being closer to nature.

With the current crisis, soon everyone will be growing their own. – Yours, etc,



Co Leitrim.