Beacon and vaccination administration

Sir, – The commentariat seems to be losing all sense of proportion. On Monday I heard one journalist drawing a parallel between this affair and the Davy debacle. That is utter nonsense. The damage done to the public interest by the Beacon Hospital affair is insignificant when compared to the Davy debacle. The actions of its chief executive have brought the Beacon into some disrepute: he is answerable to the board of the hospital.

The HSE seems to have taken appropriate steps in the public interest.

Time to dial down the indignation. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – The Beacon Hospital had excess vaccines because 200 HSE staff who were booked in to be vaccinated there were also on the vaccination list at the Aviva. If there were 200 double bookings of its own staff at two clinics on one day, one can only imagine what is going on nationwide. If the HSE finds it beyond its capability to plan for the efficient administration of vaccine to its staff, just imagine what’s going to happen when the promised millions of doses arrive here. We are told that vaccine availability is the only limitation on the speed of our vaccination programme. We’ll see. – Yours, etc,


Crossmolina, Co Mayo.