Back to school

Sir, – Many of us, as school leaders, all around the country, have been bowled over by the level of co-operation, generosity of spirit and Trojan work done by our staff in recent days and weeks.

Their contribution to getting our schools reopened has been immense.

The scale of the challenges we have faced has been met by their sacrifice, resourcefulness, and tough grind.

Let no one, however, underestimate the emotional toll it has taken on them and on all of us – never mind the effect it will have on our students.


In the past weeks, we have presided over the dismantling of integral aspects of school life. We have seen the modification of our school libraries, the closure of concert halls, the repurposing of sports halls, the abolition of our staff rooms, and the list goes on.

We are heartbroken.

We have imposed these measures and many others reluctantly because they are what is required to get everyone back to school.

“Back to school 2020” has only been possible because of our greatest and most indefatigable resource, our staff. They are our heroes.

We salute them and we thank them. – Yours, etc,



Deputy Principal,

Loreto Secondary



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – I feel that the Department of Education has turned a blind eye to the constant changing of school books by publishing houses, some after only one exam cycle.

Is this not an ideal time for the Government to ensure that all school books are available free of charge to students in an e-book format?

This would help with study at home, rather than children dragging printed books to and from school.

Time to give our children’s backs a break. – Yours, etc,



