Assisted Dying Bill

Sir, – The doctors' objections to the Dying with Dignity Bill are illogical (Letters, July 26th).

First, the entire range of palliative care they regard as desirable, is not generally available in Ireland.

Second, the floodgates argument: in jurisdictions where assisted dying is permitted, they argue “safeguards [have been] removed”. This claim is not supported by evidence. It seems casuistical to suggest that because people want this option, it must therefore be wrong.

Many Irish people want this choice, and I may well be one of them when the time comes.


– Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.

Sir, – I’m concerned about the inference that for dying people there is only one wholesome way to die (Letters, July 26th). One must live in one’s death bed lest “natural death” be demeaned? I’m concerned about the value judgement message that sends to those vulnerable exhausted, tormented dying people and their families that need release from suffering.

The Bill is for terminally-ill adults with capacity to consent who wish to die on their own terms sooner rather than later.

That’s still not much of a choice when you think about it!

Facilitating the comfortable dignified passing of a dying human being is surely compassion defined. It’s the least we can do. The tone of the letter is in fact in itself demeaning, not only to dying patients, their families and society, but specifically patronising to people with disability, chronic pain or mental health issues. – Yours, etc,



Co Tipperary.