Tweets from famous Scottish folk on referendum day

Andy Murray campaigns for yes, while J.K. Rowling is firmly in the No camp

He's British when he wins and Scottish when he loses, but on the day of the Scottish independence referendum, it appears tennis star Andy Murray is in the Yes camp, according to his official Twitter page.

He tweeted in the early hours of this morning: "Huge day for Scotland today! No campaign negativity last few days totally swayed my view on it. Excited to see the outcome. Let's do this!"

Murray, the British number one player, has previously not been vocal on which side he would support in the independence debate. However, he won’t be able to vote, as he doesn’t live in Scotland.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is firmly in the No camp, but hopes nobody falls out over it. She tweeted: "My head says no and my heart shouts it – but whatever happens, I hope we're all friends by Saturday."


Scottish comedians may not be known for their sunny dispositions, and their thoughts on the referendum would appear to continue in the same vein. Ever the optimist, comedian Frankie Boyle is hoping for a Yes vote.

“I’d love a Yes vote, but I’d be equally happy with another decade of austerity and being a nuclear missile base for a rogue, terrorist US.”

Clydebank native Kevin Bridges tweeted British prime minister David Cameron to ask if he was "bealin" (upset or angry) .

David Cameron may or may not be “bealin” on Saturday morning.

While Billy Connolly’s official Twitter account has not been updated since 2013, he has previously said he would not be in favour of a Yes vote.

Connolly, a former Glasgow dockworker, described the debate as a “morass that I care not to dip my toe into”.

Impressionist and comedian Rory Bremner is going to vote No according to his Twitter feed, which appears to be full of critical comments from Yes campaigners after his appearance on Channel 4 News yesterday. Bremner once said that it was easier to come out as gay than it would be to come out as a unionist.

Musician Mike Scott, better known as the leader of The Waterboys, is definitely voting Yes. He has spent the morning tweeting various reasons why Scotland should vote Yes. As a Scotsman living abroad, he doesn't have a vote, but said he would vote Yes if he did.

Scott also tweeted: “Yes for power. Power to determine our own direction and future. Yes to having no fear of that power.”

Musician and producer Edwyn Collins is firmly in the Yes camp. Best known for his 1994 song A Girl Like You, Collins tweeted: “Hello friend in Scotland today. Time to vote. I’m voting for the future. I’m voting Yes.”

David Byrne of Talking Heads fame hasn't tweeted which way he will vote, but instead posted a link to a post on his website by English artist Paul Davis on London based Scots opinions on independence. "What do Adam Smith, Sir Walter Scott, and Lady Macbeth have to say about Scottish independence?"

Byrne lives in New York, so does not have a vote either way.

Edith Bowman, a Scottish DJ with the BBC, doesn't say which way she would vote, but wished voters luck.

She tweeted: “Good luck today my fellow country folk. Whatever the result we are a proud nation, an inspiring race. Be respectful of each other’s choices.”

Justin Currie, musician and founder of Del Amitri, is voting Yes. One of Del Amitri's most famous hits was Nothing Ever Happens which was about the banality of everyday life, but Currie is hoping that something definitely happens today. "Let's be on the cover of every newspaper in the world on Saturday morning. Yes."

Singer songwriter Eddie Reader is hoping everything will be perfect, and is in the Yes camp. She has been a long-time supporter of an independent Scotland: "To place my saltire cross in the yes box today I am going to dress in my departed relatives clothes and hat...they would have LOVED this day."

Trainspotting author Irvine Welsh has kept things short and simple urging people to vote Yes. "No to independence!" Sounds a bit silly and weird, doesn't it? #YES it does."