West council seeks pledge on Corrib gas access

The Council for the West has called for a united approach from all western development interests on the Corrib gas field, and…

The Council for the West has called for a united approach from all western development interests on the Corrib gas field, and has called on the Government to make a "cast iron commitment" on provision of gas to towns in Connacht and Donegal.

Mr Sean Hannick, chairman of the council, said An Bord Pleanála's refusal of the planning application for the gas terminal in north Mayo was "very disappointing", but he believed it should not deter Enterprise Energy Ireland from pursuing a further planning application to bring the gas ashore and process it in Co Mayo.

"The Council for the West totally supports Enterprise Energy in its attempt to secure an acceptable solution in bringing Corrib gas ashore and making it available to the people of Connacht and Donegal," Mr Hannick said.

"It would be helpful if the Government and Bord Gais Éireann recognised that their foot-dragging on the issue of a natural gas service strategically throughout Connacht and Donegal has not helped to create an environment for acceptance of the Bellinaboy Bridge project.


"We would therefore urge them to make a cast-iron commitment that the towns in Connacht and Donegal will have the same access as the towns of the other provinces and in so doing help to progress the landing of Corrib gas at the earliest possible date," Mr Hannick said. The council will be inviting western development interests to a meeting to discuss the issue, he added.

Last week, the Minister of State for Labour Affairs, Mr Frank Fahey, who was marine minister during key stages of the Corrib project, invited western Oireachtas members to meet and agree on a "consensus" approach to the issue.

Labour's Galway West TD, Mr Michael D. Higgins, refused to attend and said it set a bad precedent for the relationship between public representatives and the planning process.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times