Raiders use digger in ATM robbery

RAIDERS MADE off with the contents of an ATM machine after using a stolen mechanical digger to rip it from the wall of a service…

RAIDERS MADE off with the contents of an ATM machine after using a stolen mechanical digger to rip it from the wall of a service station in Co Wexford early yesterday morning.

At least three masked men took part in the raid on the Mace Maxol filling station on Bellfield Road in Enniscorthy shortly after 5am.

CCTV footage showed the raiders parking a Nissan Pajero 4x4 vehicle and trailer near the Ulster Bank ATM, which was located in the wall outside the forecourt’s Mace shop, while another man parked an Audi saloon car across the road.

The thieves used a JCB digger, which had been on site as part of renovation work to the station, to pull down the wall with the ATM and break the machine open.


The raiders then loaded the ATM’s safe onto the trailer before making their getaway in the direction of Kiltealy.

The raid lasted less than five minutes and the CCTV footage shows a number of vehicles passing the station as the raiders demolished the wall.

Gardaí would not reveal how much money was taken but it is believed that a substantial amount was involved as the ATM had been filled the day before.

Pat Butler, manager of the station, said considerable damage was done to the shop, which remains closed.

Mr Butler said: “There are renovations being done to the forecourt at the moment and the digger was in there on site. They pulled out the whole area where the cash machine is, it’s just adjacent to the shop. They literally just took the roof off and went straight down and pulled the ATM out.”

Supt Peter Finn of Enniscorthy Garda station appealed to anyone who was travelling on the Kiltealy road at the time to contact gardaí in Enniscorthy.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times