Dress code for TDs and Senators back on Dáil agenda

AAA-PBP TDs may be disciplined under House rules for wearing ‘Repeal’ sweatshirts

Members of the AAA-PBP group of TDs have worn sweaters displaying the slogan 'REPEAL' in the Dáil chamber as Dublin West TD Ruth Coppinger raised the issue of abortion during leaders’ questions.

The Oireachtas committee on procedures and privileges is to consider implementing a dress code for TDs and Senators.

The committee met on Wednesday evening and considered several complaints from members of the public on the attire of parliamentarians.

Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl said he believed a code should have been implemented in 2011.

Mr Ó’Fearghaíl said any attempt to enforce one now would be difficult due to a minority Government.


However it was decided the library and research staff would examine other parliaments to assess if one could be implemented here.

The committee was told by Mr Ó’Fearghaíl it was a source of constant complaint from members of the public.

Dáil rules state merely that members should dress “in a manner that reflects the dignity of the House”.

The introduction of a dress code has been proposed several times in recent years but has never come to pass.

Business attire

In 2011, the Oireachtas Committee on Procedures and Privileges drafted a proposal requesting TDs and Senators wear appropriate business attire in their function as legislators.

The proposal was rejected by Fine Gael and Labour TDs but has now been revived.

The committee also discussed the wearing of emblems and party political badges in Leinster House.

This follows the decision by the Anti Austerity Alliance and People before Profit TDs to wear black “Repeal” sweaters in the Dáil, urging the Government to repeal the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution which places the life of the unborn on an equal footing to the life of a mother.

Mr Ó’Fearghaíl is understood to have sought clarity on what the rules for the House demand.

The Oireachtas Code of Parliamentary Standards bans the wearing of emblems of a party-political nature.

Mr Ó Fearghaíl is considering taking disciplinary action against the Anti Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit TDs for wearing the “Repeal” sweaters.

The case will be considered by the committee on procedure and privileges and the business committee for potential disciplinary action.

No decision was made at the meeting on Wednesday night and it will be considered at a further meeting.

Speaking previously the Ceann Comhairle said: “While the wearing of emblems per se is not prohibited by the code, paragraph 11 of the code – as adopted by the House in July 2010 – addresses this matter that emblems of a party political nature should not be worn or otherwise displayed within the parliamentary precincts.”