1,300 registrations with new Register of Lobbying

Head says it is still a relatively new organisation and it will take time to get used to it

Sherry Perreault, head of the Register of Lobbying: said she was pleased with the number of people who had registered and filed returns with the organisation so far, as well as how it was operating. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

The new Register of Lobbying has had more than 1,300 people or organisations register with it since it came into operation last year. It has also received 4,548 returns from September 1st last, the date the register came into operation.

The new register launched its first annual report on Tuesday. Sherry Perreault, the head of lobbying regulation, said she was pleased with the number of people who had registered and filed returns with the organisation so far, as well as how it was s operating.

The Register of Lobbying is part of the Standards of Public Office Commission.

Ms Perreault said the register was still a relatively new organisation and it would take time for people to acclimatise to it.


Areas of confusion include determining whether a communication counts as lobbying and ensuring that returns submitted are meaningful and contain sufficient detail to meet the required obligations.

Ms Perreault said an incremental approach had been taken to its introduction.