New website explores British-Irish relations

A new website dedicated to exploring the ties and tensions between Britain and Ireland was unveiled in Croke Park today.

A new website dedicated to exploring the ties and tensions between Britain and Ireland was unveiled in Croke Park today.

Britainandireland.orgis a monthly e-magazine funded by the British Council and edited by Mick Fealty, founder of the Sluggerotoole.comwebsite.

The website is a follow-on from a 2004 study of Irish attitudes towards the United Kingdom - commissioned by the British Council - which found there was a significant thaw in relations.

According to its editorial, the website "does not seek to manufacture agreement or consensus on any of the complex ties that bind and separate the peoples in these islands, but rather to create a space that is capable of giving expression to the multiplicity of viewpoints those social, cultural, political and economic ties brings".


Former Republic of Ireland soccer star Niall Quinn and former rugby star Trevor Ringland today helped announce the first issue, which examines sporting relations between the two islands.

The website will also feature cartoons from the award winning

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times