Latest cigarettes seizures worth €4.8m

THE LATEST seizures by Customs of some 12 million cigarettes in two hauls have a combined retail value of €4.8 million.

THE LATEST seizures by Customs of some 12 million cigarettes in two hauls have a combined retail value of €4.8 million.

The consignments came through Dublin Port in recent days. On Monday, between five million and six million cigarettes were seized by Customs officers near Dundalk, Co Louth.

The Regal brand cigarettes were hidden in a container which arrived into Dublin Port from Barcelona last week. The tobacco was labelled on the manifest as "hair extensions" and was hidden in 25 pallets with empty boxes.

The load was followed for seven days before a driver with the container was stopped at a checkpoint at the M1 Dundalk south turn-off on Monday night. An Irishman detained at the scene was later released and is said to be helping Customs with its investigations.


Dublin Port Customs official Ciarán Moulton said inquiries were ongoing. "But based on the fact that the container was heading towards the Border and the brand is more common in Northern Ireland and the UK, we believe it was destined for the UK market."

Some six million contraband Souvenir brand cigarettes arrived into Dublin Port on a ship from Vietnam on Saturday.

They were hidden behind a load of timber furniture.

The seizure involved surveillance and investigation work by gardaí and Customs officers. Several people were questioned in relation to the haul.

It brings to almost €10 million the value of tobacco seizures in the past seven days. A €5 million shipment arrived at Dublin Port from Holyhead, and was seized by Customs officers near Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan last week.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times