IBM opens two new start-up initiatives in Dublin

IBM today announced that it is to establish a European venture capital centre and an innovation centre in Dublin in collaboration…

IBM today announced that it is to establish a European venture capital centre and an innovation centre in Dublin in collaboration with the IDA and Enterprise Ireland.

The IBM European Venture Capital Centre is aimed at new Irish technology companies helping them to build stronger ties with the European market and by allowing them to gain insights into emerging technologies.

The innovation centre is one of 32 IBM innovation centres worldwide and it hopes to help Irish software companies gain support from IBM experts in developing and testing new advanced and emerging technologies.

IBM technology experts will also provide information and support to Irish companies in the form of workshops, seminars, access to design among other services.


Speaking at the opening today Minister for Enterprise, Michael Martin said that the centres would act as "catalysts for innovation" and would make a "valuable contribution to the culture of entrepreneurship in Ireland".

The Irish Medical Devices Association (IMDA), which is a division of IBEC welcomed the announcement. Director Sharon Higgins said it was "exciting for Ireland's medical devices and diagnostic sector, especially when taken in the context of the company's stated interest in developing healthcare platforms."

"One of Ireland's key assets is the existence of substantial medical technology, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and ICT industries here. The opportunities to exploit convergence opportunities are enormous," Ms Higgins added.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times