Bed cuts causes concern in Waterford

THE DECISION by the HSE South to cut bed numbers at two Waterford hospitals catering for the elderly and those with mental illness…

THE DECISION by the HSE South to cut bed numbers at two Waterford hospitals catering for the elderly and those with mental illness has caused considerable concern in the city, a local councillor and member of the HSE South Regional Forum has revealed.

Last week, the HSE South published its service plan for 2009 which includes providing 297 additional long-stay beds for elderly people and a further 207 replacement beds as part of a €17.5 million investment in services for older people.

But the service plan, which is designed to achieve overall savings of €80 million, also includes proposals to close 19 beds for elderly patients at St Patrick’s Hospital and a further 17 beds for patients with mental health issues at St Otteran’s Hospital, both in Waterford.

According to Pat Healy, assistant national director primary, community and continuing care (PCCC) HSE South, the decision to close the 19 beds of St Brigid’s ward at St Patrick’s Hospital was taken on health and safety grounds as it is the last remaining ward on the upper floor of the hospital.


“Due to these fire and safety issues, it is not viable to continue to accommodate patients in this area of St Patrick’s Hospital nor is it viable to refurbish the ward to the required standards,” he explained, adding the reduction in patient numbers had been ongoing for some time.

Mr Healy confirmed that St Brigid’s ward would no longer take admissions with patients being transferred to other vacancies as they arise in the hospital, with a projected closing date for the 19-bed unit being July.

However, HSE South Forum member and local Waterford Labour Cllr Seamus Ryan said he had received a number of phonecalls from family members of those currently staying in St Brigid’s concerned about where their relatives were going to be transferred.

And he said he had also received a number of phone calls from people who were concerned about a plan by the HSE South to relocate 17 older people with enduring mental illnesses from St Otteran’s Hospital to other facilities.

“There’s a lot of concern with regard to the changes at both St Patrick’s and St Otteran’s – patients in both would be very elderly and in some cases would be there for over 10 years and people are worried where their relatives are going to be accommodated.

“The Friends of St Patrick’s tell me that they have raised €50,000 to carry out work on St Brigid’s ward and that a further €43,000 is needed to bring it up to fire and safety standards and they’re confident that they can raise that,” he said.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times