Galway drivers to keep hospital cover

Taxi-drivers in Galway have decided against returning to work before tonight

Taxi-drivers in Galway have decided against returning to work before tonight. However, they have promised to maintain services to people in wheelchairs and to provide emergency hospital cover.

The drivers have also have engaged a psychologist to help cope with stress. "Some of our members haven't been sleeping at nights, are worried about losing their houses, and families are very upset," said Mr Noel Burke, spokesman for the Galway branch of the National Taxi-Drivers' Union (NTDU).

He said, however, his members were "very encouraged" by a unanimous vote in support of their stance by Galway city councillors earlier this week.

ail and PD representatives, voted unanimously for the proposal.


Galway has 148 taxis (one per 343 people) and 67 hackneys. In contrast to Dublin, there has been some public sympathy for the drivers.

Ten days ago, a delegation from NTDU's Galway branch also enlisted the support of the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources and Galway West TD, Mr Fahey, who told them it was a "Dublin problem" and there would be no deregulation in Galway.

However, the Minister told The Irish Times the day after that meeting the situation had changed and he supported the Government's position.

The NTDU Galway branch is due to hold a meeting tonight to review its stoppage in the light of talks in Dublin.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times