Dublin Simon Community appoints interim chief executive

The Dublin Simon Community said last night it had appointed Mr Sam McGuinness as an interim chief executive.

The Dublin Simon Community said last night it had appointed Mr Sam McGuinness as an interim chief executive.

His appointment at a board meeting yesterday follows last week's sacking of Mr Greg Maxwell, chief executive of the homelessness charity for the past nine years. Mr Maxwell, who has asked the board to reconsider his sacking, said on Wednesday he would take the matter to court if the issue was "not resolved internally". He could not be contacted last night.

The chairman of Dublin Simon, Mr Ronnie Tucker, declined to be interviewed yesterday, but issued a statement.

It said Mr McGuinness came to Dublin Simon "with extensive experience in managing organisations in the private sector, both in Ireland and abroad".


Mr McGuinness has no previous professional or voluntary connection with Dublin Simon.

The statement said Mr McGuinness "has had some involvement at a personal level within the voluntary sector".

"His professional management skills will facilitate the further development of the quality of care and the sense of community our professional staff and volunteers already provide to the homeless of Dublin."

One factor in Mr Maxwell's sacking appears to have been tension between him and the volunteer-dominated board.

Mr Maxwell was known to be enthusiastic about implementing the recommendations of two reports carried out by independent housing and social policy consultant, Mr Simon Brooke, this year.

Mr Brooke recommended a redefinition of the role of volunteers, and changes to one of the charity's best known services, the nightly soup run.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times