Doctors threaten strike over working practices

Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor (NCHD) anaesthetists are threatening strike-action over what they see as "dangerous working patterns…

Non-Consultant Hospital Doctor (NCHD) anaesthetists are threatening strike-action over what they see as "dangerous working patterns", the Irish Medical Organisation warned today.

The IMO, which represents 300 NCHD anaesthetists across the State, says health service employers are deliberating misinterpreting the national agreement intended to reduce long working hours in order to save money.

Director of Industrial Relations, Mr Fintan Hourihan said; "NCHD anesthetists currently work an average 84 hour week.

"It is quite incredible that attempts are now being made to reinterpret the agreement concluded at the Labour Relations Commission in May 2000 in a manner which is leading to the spread of dangerous rosters.


"The thrust of the agreement was to make it prohibitively expensive to have NCHDs continue to work such long hours which are neither safe for patients or doctors. What has since happened is that attempts are being made to have NCHDs working unsafe working patterns in an apparent attempt to save money," he added.

An IMO ballot of its members showed an overwhelming 90 per cent were in favour of industrial action. The IMO said it would be consulting its members over the next ten days "on the way forward and the timing, duration and nature of the campaign".

Mr Hourihan said full emergency cover would be provided at all times in the event of a strike.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times