Supt David Taylor expected to be allowed retire from force

Former Garda press office chief found to have helped smear Sgt Maurice McCabe

In the latest report from the Disclosures Tribunal Justice Peter Charleton has found that garda whistleblower Maurice McCabe is a genuine person who has done the State a considerable service. Video: Bryan O’Brien

Supt David Taylor is expected to be allowed retire from the Garda after being suspended at the weekend. Last week the Disclosures Tribunal report indicated he was at the centre of a campaign to smear Garda whistleblower Sgt Maurice McCabe.

On Saturday, the former head of the Garda Press Office was informed he was suspended with immediate effect while an internal disciplinary inquiry takes place into the findings of the tribunal.

On Sunday, Supt Taylor requested to be allowed retire. His retirement has yet to be accepted by Garda Commissioner Drew Harris, but it is likely to be approved in the coming days, The Irish Times understands. This would allow Supt Taylor to receive his full pension and a lump sum. The disciplinary inquiry would also terminate.

The Garda Commissioner can refuse a member’s request to retire. However, because Supt Taylor has completed more than the required 30 years’ service, denying his request could be legally problematic, say sources.


Tribunal chairman Mr Justice Peter Charleton reported on Thursday that Supt Taylor worked "cheek by jowl" with former Garda commissioner Martin Callinan in a "campaign of calumny" against Sgt McCabe after the whistleblower went public with allegations of corruption in the force.

Supt Taylor may also face a criminal investigation for whether or not he perjured himself before the tribunal and High Court. But legal sources say charges are unlikely.

Perjury is a difficult offence to prove as it requires authorities to show the accused not only lied, but knew they were lying. Consequently, the Director of Public Prosecutions has usually been slow to prosecute.

Supt Taylor did not respond to request for comment on Sunday.

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times