BMW region group meets Ahern

A delegation from the Border Midlands and Western (BMW) Assembly met the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, this week to spell out where the…

A delegation from the Border Midlands and Western (BMW) Assembly met the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, this week to spell out where the National Development Plan was failing, and to call for a more effective regional policy.

The seven-member deputation, led by the cathaoirleach, Cllr Connie Hanniffy, told the Taoiseach the National Development Plan had under-performed in the building of national roads, provision of public transport, research and development and industry supports generally.

The deputation urged the Taoiseach to ensure that the Government meets its expenditure targets as originally set out in the NDP.

Cllrs Michael McGreal of Roscommon; Mr Damien Ryan from Mayo; Mr Mark Nugent from Westmeath; the director of the BMW Assembly, Mr Gerry Finn; the assistant director, Mr Kieran Moylan and Ms Louise Kinlen, Assembly policy and research officer, called for a clear implementation plan for the National Spatial Strategy and greater Government investment.


The group particularly called for investment in building the region's research and innovation capacity and affirmed its support for the reopening of the western rail corridor.

The members told the Taoiseach that proposed road and rail links between the designated gateways and hubs should be prioritised in current investment programmes.

Also required was continued investment in telecommunications, energy and air transport infrastructure in the region, the members told the Taoiseach.

The Taoiseach was also presented with a copy of the audit of innovation in the BMW region which outlined a stark difference between the level of technological innovation and research and development activity taking place in the region, compared with the Southern and Eastern region.

The Assembly is currently identifying where future investments should be prioritised in the region after 2006, and will be making proposals in early 2005.

Mr Ahern told the delegation that he accepted that expenditure was behind target in the BMW region for some measures in the NDP, but said significant progress was being made.

He also referred to the benefits that will arise from the decentralisation of civil and public servants and from the implementation of the National Spatial Strategy.

He also acknowledged the work of the working group that is currently examining the feasibility of the western rail corridor project, and which is expected to report in early 2005.

Mr Finn said that the meeting with the Taoiseach had provided an opportunity to raise both specific issues regarding investment in the BMW region, and also strategic issues regarding regional policy.

He intended to seek similar meetings with the Taoiseach, Ministers and senior officials in the future, particularly on issues concerning investment in the region and on the future of EU cohesion policy.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist