Barracks site development to go ahead

An Bord Pleanála has given the go-ahead for a controversial plan for an apartment and hotel complex on the site of Clancy Barracks…

An Bord Pleanála has given the go-ahead for a controversial plan for an apartment and hotel complex on the site of Clancy Barracks in Dublin.

The plan includes a 15-storey tower which was given approval despite a recommendation by the board's inspector to reject it.

Florence Properties and Chanterwork Properties have been given planning permission to build almost 900 apartments and a 200-room hotel as part of a redevelopment of the 19th century barracks.

The accommodation will be provided in 45 blocks ranging in size from one to seven storeys, with some nine-storey elements and a hotel of 10 to 15 storeys.


Three-quarters of the existing 42 listed buildings will be demolished to make way for the development, as well as the existing boundary wall along South Circular Road. A further 11 will be refurbished, although parts of them will be demolished and removed.

An Bord Pleanála ruled that the development would constitute an appropriate mix of land uses and would not seriously injure the amenities of the area or property in the vicinity.

It would also be acceptable in terms of urban design, impact on nearby protected structures, traffic safety and convenience.

The board's inspector recommended that the 15-storey block in the southwest corner of the site be omitted in the interests of architectural heritage protection and the protection of the character of the area. However, the board ruled that the building would be acceptable and would not set a precedent for other high buildings proposed for the area.

Conditions imposed by the board included an adjustment in the mix of apartments to include more large apartments so as to "provide an adequate mix of unit sizes to accommodate a stable community".

A conservation expert must also be employed by the developer to "ensure adequate protection of the historic fabric during the works".

Jacques le Goff, a spokesman for Friends of Kilmainham, said they were very disappointed. "The board overturned their own inspector's report not to allow the 15-storey tower. The development will ruin the view of the Phoenix Park; they are destroying the sky line and I think it is a crime."

He said locals were also very concerned about the traffic implications.

Clancy Barracks lies close to the Phoenix Park and adjoins Heuston Station. The land was originally offered to the council for social housing, but this deal broke down and it was sold by tender to Florence Properties.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist