Aer Rianta unions delay action pending talks

Trade Unions at Aer Rianta have decided to delay industrial action over the Government's proposed plans to break-up Aer Rianta…

Trade Unions at Aer Rianta have decided to delay industrial action over the Government's proposed plans to break-up Aer Rianta, pending talks with the Minister for Transport, Mr Brennan.

ICTU General Secretary Mr David Begg sent a letter to the Minister today asking to enter, without any preconditions, into a process of engagement under the auspices of an independent chairperson.

The unions have agreed to meet again on October 20th when they will "have to make a decision one way or the other," according to SIPTU General President Mr Jack O'Connor.

"We're appealing more than threatening at this moment," he added.


The meeting today was the first since every sector of the company balloted voted in favour of strike action at Dublin, Cork, and Shannon airports.

The unions are seeking guarantees on the security of staff jobs and conditions. They are also anxious to see the new business plans due from the recently changed managerial boards at the three airports.

"We find it hard to believe that the Minister and the Government could embark on this [the break-up of Aer Rianta] without a clear plan," Mr O'Connor added.According to the unions, the Minister for Transport has failed to engage with the Aer Rianta workforce within a partnership framework - as promised in talks earlier this year.

"We haven't had engagement, we've had people making statements to each other," Mr O'Connor said.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times