Childish Gambino: Because the Internet

Because the Internet
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Artist: Childish Gambino
Genre: Hip-Hop & Rap
Label: Universal

He's best known as an actor and comedian, but this is no throwaway vanity project for Donald Glover. The hip-hop musician follows up his critically acclaimed 2011 debut, Camp, with an album that references everything from technology (as the title suggests) to same-sex marriage and public shootings. Stereotypical rap bravado abounds on the likes of Sweatpants ("I got a penthouse on both coasts"), but Glover is generally inventive both musically and lyrically. He follows Drake's lead by blending a soulful melody with rap verses on Telegraph Avenue and Shadows, while short track The Party exhibits his dexterity as an MC. Chance the Rapper and Azealia Banks are among the guests, but this is Glover's baby from start to finish. It sounds like he's still carving his own niche, but this is an impressive step on his journey.
Download: The Worst Guys, The Party

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times