Biggles Flys Again: Remember Saturday

Remember Saturday
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Artist: Biggles Flys Again
Genre: Rock
Label: Self-Released

Band name: Biggles Flys Again. Album title: Remember Saturday . Album cover: retro line drawing. Song title: Old Pop Song . Sample lyric: "The past is a place you can go". If you're discerning something of an All Our Yesterdays vibe here, you might be right, but this trip into the past is in good, steady hands. Fronted by Conor Deasy (from The Gandhis, not The Thrills), this solo project is by necessity low-key, but the aims are high and often hit the target. While the songs seem forged in the comforting heat of influences as sterling as The Beatles, Jens Lekman, Elliot Smith and Richard Swift, Deasy has a canny knack for creating tunes the right side of familiar.There is also smartness at play here – Deasy effortlessly references the past without being smothered by it.

Download tracks: Friends, Local Legend

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea

Tony Clayton-Lea is a contributor to The Irish Times specialising in popular culture