ComReg investigates telecoms firm Yourtel following complaints

Watchdog says many consumers were unaware exactly what type of product they were buying

Communications watchdog ComReg has launched an investigation into telecoms firm Yourtel following a number of complaints from consumers.

Yourtel is currently attempting to sell a number of carrier pre-selection (CPS) products to Eircom landline customers.

CPS allows consumers to select an alternative telecommunications provider in place of its existing carrier to carry outbound calls, often at a reduced rate.

However, ComReg says a number of consumers were unaware that the provider of the CPS service was Yourtel, not Eircom.


When a customer agrees to subscribe to a Yourtel all-calls product, a customer’s line rental continues to be payable to Eircom but call charges are payable to Yourtel, ComReg said.

This means that subscribing customers will receive two bills, one from Yourtel for call charges and one from Eircom for line rental and any other relevant services.

ComReg said it had no role in the regulation of the retail prices of voice calls offered by Yourtel.

However, it said all electronic communications service providers are required to comply with a range of regulations and “Yourtel’s compliance with certain of these is the subject of ComReg’s current investigation”.

Notwithstanding its current investigation, ComReg urged consumers to ensure that they understand which company is providing which service, as well as the features, prices and terms and conditions that they are agreeing to when they subscribe to electronic communications services.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times